Behind-the-scenes stories. Deleted Dialogue. and unsung heros.
A lot goes on behind the pages of your favorite Fog Saga Books. Ever wonder how the characters you know and love grew into who they are? Want to take a peek behind the curtain of writing mystic? You are in the right place! Below are stories, encounters, and even deleted characters that have never before seen the printed page.
The Cycle of Nostalgia
It is so easy for me to get lost in the wild woods of nostalgia. To get caught up in the fact that it’s over. Try as I might, I’ll never have another childhood, elementary best friend, or first college roommate. Time will do what God designed it to do: move on. But isn’t that the point? To evolve into a new creature, like a snake shedding old skin, is what we were made for. We are an always learning species that live and breathes to change. Maybe nostalgia is a gift, not a curse, as I had thought. After all, God gave me the breath to rise this morning, so there still must be more to learn.