Fan Art from Readers like you!

Instructions to enter are at the bottom of the page

“Since it is so likely that children will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage. otherwise, you are making their destiny not brighter but darker.”

— c.s. Lewis on children’s stories

Check out these awesome drawings by Elle from Book 3!

  • Your picture goes here!

    Maybe you love to draw, or maybe you do it professionally. However you make art, I just hope these books inspires you!

  • "Mr. Mulberry"

    This portrait was done by Landrie Guy, age 10!

  • "A Tender Moment"

    From Book 3, by Elle!

  • Hallow's Portrait

    Beautifully drawn by Elle, age 14

  • Cole's Portrait

    Elle, age 14 sent in this piece!

  • Lyla's Portrait

    This was sent in by Elle, age 14!

  • Cole in Sparta

    This piece was sent in by Jack, age 11!


    The same line is used on page one and the last page of Chapter 20. (On purpose!) Cole’s demeanor changed so much from the first time that line is used.


    Being around the sea so much, it’s only fitting that Kam’s appearance reflects his longing for ocean adventures.

Instructions to enter

Reach out to her at This could be a picture of your art or a digital upload!

Be sure to put “Fan Art” in the subject line! And add your name, age, and anything else you would like to be listed on the site in the body of the email. Blury or vulgar pictures will not be accepted.